Welcome to the New and Improved HAMLETTE FITNESS

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Happy New Year! Welcome to the New and Improved HAMLETTEFITNESS.com website and blog! I can hardly believe we've been at this for almost four years, and I appreciate every moment you've shared with me. 

If you've followed HAMLETTE FITNESS over the years, you know I'm not a fitness machine and don't obsess over numbers- but pay attention and get after it. There's always a challenge to find that helps me enjoy being active and well. Enjoyment and fulfillment are the (not so) secrets to creating better habits that stick around rather than instant results with a quick fix. This approach has served me well enough to lose 35 pounds and remain relatively steady since October of 2019, and I felt great even during tense and often uncertain times, such as the COVID pandemic. 

Since starting HAMLETTE FITNESS in 2020, I am firmly into my 40s and can honestly say I've never felt better! In the past 20 years, I've been pre-diabetic, had high blood pressure, and been overweight several times- even when training multiple days per week. I've experienced the highest high and been so down I couldn't go any lower. Today, I stay alert and able-bodied to set the right example for and protect my family. I also feel a similar responsibility to my fitness community. Find your reason and visit the HAMLETTE FITNESS blog for real-life motivation and information. It's for real people like you who are ready to be well and informed without being extreme.

 I will always encourage wellness as part of an active lifestyle, which includes building mental fitness. Find the activities you love and do more of them. Most people participate in You don't have to be a yogi to practice yoga. You don't have to be a fighter to enjoy kickboxing. You don't have to eat weird plants harvested from strange, wooded, or oceanic places to eat well. It starts with an awareness and continues by making decisions with your health and well-being in mind. How will doing one thing now affect your ability to do something else later? 

Begin with one fit decision a day, and don't punish yourself for messing up because it will happen again and again. Again after. Remember that this isn't necessarily about changing who you are because changing might not be the point. It's about adjusting and replacing habits with better ones and loving who you are.

With that in mind, I'll post about food because I love it and eat pretty often! You'll find exercises and training programs to challenge anyone from beginners to experienced athletes. Ultimately, I want you to leave this site feeling like you can do this, you can make that, or you have to try those. You can do it, and I know you can!

 The most important thing to stress to HAMLETTE FITNESS visitors is to be good to yourselves. Make and take a moment to focus on self-maintenance and upkeep. That means get your mind right, then practice the same care of yourself as you do with your favorite things. When you feel good, you feel happy. When you feel happy, you look happy. Happy people look marvelous! Aesthetics aside, this is all about you. Be prepared to smile more, go out more, and experience things you never thought you would. Feeling good sets good energy in motion, and it starts with YOU. 

 Ladies and Gentlemen, I won't sugarcoat the facts about our health. Collectively, we have a lot of work to do. Most ailments and conditions directly result from our relaxed attitudes regarding health. We've become so dependent on instant goods and services that the lack of quality is an afterthought. Many of us have been depressed or are depressed and can use a little motivation to get out of the dark place. 

It's time to rediscover ourselves and be as happy as we deserve. Take the show outside, find which fitness styles you love, get some fly activewear, and get busy. You can incorporate HAMLETTE FITNESS tips with your training plan, make them part of your lifestyle, and use them in your kitchen! You can reach your goals in good time, and you'll find some great tools on the Hamlette Fitness Blog to help you get there. 

Don't forget to comment on your favorite posts, and share how a HAMLETTE FITNESS article empowered you! Thank you, and as always, I'm so glad to be your fitness resource.